Ground Floor | East Wing

The Wing is located on the ground floor of the building accessible from Beethovenova Street.

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Our office spaces are located in a historical three-storey building with a loft – all completely renovated. Each floor of the building is divided in three sectors, based on orientation of cardinal directions – West, Central and East Wing. Based on current availability, we will be pleased to discuss with you also the option of leasing of several wings.

For further information about the building facilities and services
click here >>

Detailed technical specification of the wing:

Wing area: 112,8 m2
Number of offices: 1
Number of toilets: 2
Number of kitchenettes: 1
1. Corridor 26,2 m2
2. Storage facility 1,1 m2
3. Anteroom to toilets 2,1 m2
4. Toilet 1,2 m2
5. Anteroom to toilets 2,3 m2
6. Toilet 2,1 m2
7. Toilet 1,9 m2
8. Office 93 m2
9. Kitchenette 4 m2
10. Storage facility 5,1 m2
11. Entry gate 29,3 m2

Contact us

Telephone: +421 33 774 41 27